Box Office
Bogotá, Colombia
Category Workplace | Commercial
Job type Self-commission
Date 2011-2015
Size 2,300 m²
Client JR Equiphos + Uraki
Status Built
Awards Premio Obras Cemex 2016, Building Category, Second Prize Winner
Photos Diez Veinte | Santiago Pinyol | Toquica
A lively and dynamic corner
The urban regulation in Bogotá rewards building designs with parking spaces on the street level by allowing them to build an additional floor. This creates a city which we are strongly against: a city without an active ground floor. Fortunately for us, it was better business (for both investors and the city) to have shops on the ground floor that will help enliven the street corner. Instead of having an additional office floor, we designed a double-height lobby and shops.
Structure and Materiality
The building façade and structure were built entirely from in-situ concrete. The repetitive pattern allows flexibility within the office spaces without altering the facades.
Facade Openings
Facade Openings
In sharp contrast with the concrete texture, the lobby and main staircase were painted with a bright yellow color paint which gives the building a unique identity.
TALLER Architects
2009 - 2025 © All rights reserved
Bogotá D.C.│Colombia
Carrera 18 # 116 - 20 Oficina 401
+57 (601) 701-5226