
July 2018

LOLA, TALLER, and L+CC win international competition for the Guangming Town Forest and Sports Park in Shenzhen, China

The jury praised the winning proposal for its fresh approach and for being highly attentive to local ecology, while incorporating romantic techniques and realistic urban functions. After being shortlisted opposite James Corner Field Operations, SWA Group, and TCL; as winners, they will continue with the design development of the 600 hectare park for its execution.


May 2018

Lecture at AIR - Architecture Institute Rotterdam

TALLER will be giving a lecture explaining their deep connections to The Netherlands and how Dutch culture has influenced their body of work.


May 2018

Shortlisted for the competition of a 600 hectare park in China

Team leader LOLA landscape architects, TALLER, and Land+Civilization Compositions will develop the conceptual design of the Guang Ming Town Forest & Sports Park. Selected as one of four teams, the others include James Corner Field Operations, SWA Group and TCL.


May 2018

New visual identity

Time for change. Taller 301 has become TALLER Architects. Visual identity by Toquica Estudio.


April 2018

TALLER wins competition for the "Scuole Innovative" in Crema, Italy

The Italian Ministry of Education (MIUR) launched a nationwide initiative #Scuoleinnovative in search for the schools of the future. With over 50 competition sites all over Italy, the massive undertaking allowed to participate in only one of them. Located at the periphery of Crema, the project addresses the dichotomy between urban and rural. Inspired by the “cascina lombarda” found in the region, the Liceo Racchetti is composed of a sequence of cloister volumes connected through a main hallway that articulates the entire school. The project was designed in collaboration with Mynd Ingegneria who specialize in both school buildings and timber construction.

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March 2018

TALLER wins competition for the Santa Fe City Hall in Bogotá

The winning proposal addresses the desire to build a civic presence for the local government of Santa Fe in downtown Bogotá. Like many constructions in the city center, the project responds to the urban morphology while concealing an interior courtyard. The permeable ground floor connects a sequence of public spaces that allow for diverse manifestations throughout the year. The 4,800 m2 building aims at becoming the cornerstone of urban regeneration in the area.

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TALLER Architects

2009 - 2025 © All rights reserved

Bogotá D.C.│Colombia
Carrera 18 # 116 - 20 Oficina 401

+57 (601) 701-5226

Amsterdam │The Netherlands
KNSM-laan 75
1019 LB Amsterdam

+31 6 4782 0774
